Monday, February 13, 2012


As a representative of our Planning Institute I was assigned, not only a member of the national Planning Section of the Aacademic Council, but also a member of the General Council of the 'Geofaculty', a democratic body that came with the new law. The Almighty Professor had lost a lot of power, so strong voices were raised to return the Planning Institute to the 'Geofaculty'. This seemed to be a convenient option, as there was no problem in available posts. The hard-working 'Geofaculty' was growing and growing against all odds, while I expected the 'Sociofaculty' soon to have to give up posts. All conditions were met to make an easy transfer profitable for everyone, which I did advocate. Then quite unexpectedly, two or three of my colleagues proved to be very opposed to the suggested transfer. I was accused of seeking promotion through the Institute transfer, and had to be fired. 
However, under the new law and subsequent ruling, the University Board had to establish a temporary 'Court', that would rule over a democracy-born conflict. It took some years of struggling, in which I was expelled from the Institute. Yet, I could do my research, and write my PhD thesis. It regarded monitoring issues of computer usage by a Provincial Department in close coordination with the Department. The aim was to control their policies in an advanced manner. As far as I was concerned, no employment time was wasted. These type of information systems became later of general use, after the advent of internet. Nowadays, the world is familiar with search facilities, such as Google, and accustomed to Wikipedia libraries. After completion of my thesis, I was transferred alone to the 'Geofaculty' on condition, that I was not allowed to do research on cities. At that transfer moment I was exhausted and asked for a short break, which was not granted. My backpain ruined my arrival, as I could hardly speak, and it was to become the forerunner of two hernias later on. 
At the opposite side, the 'Sociofaculty' had appointed, as a reward, one of the opposing colleagues to a professorate. A rash decision, they told me, they soon became to regret. When the smoke had cleared, they realized I had been right on the worsening of the budgettary situation. They had to fire people of their own. The end result was, that the Planning Institute was discarded, and only three of my former colleagues were also transferred to the 'Geofaculty'.